two black woman together in friendship

a sensual approach to healing

connecting the dots between sensuality, sexuality, healing and wellness.


embracing pleasure: a journey into the erotic

pleasure is self-care and through it, you can cultivate greater mindfulness, reduce stress, enhance your overall well-being, and develop a more profound connection with your body, mind, and spirit. embrace the power of pleasure, challenge societal narratives, and embark upon this journey toward self-discovery and liberation. (and yes, its free!)

black woman in underwear sitting with her legs crossed

who are we ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

creating an ecosystem for Black well-being

at TWENTY NINE THIRTY we champion for the holistic well-being and embodied sensuality of Black women and women of color. we advocate for the right to sensual and sexual expression within these communities. and stand by the belief that pleasure can serve as a cornerstone for embracing a lifestyle of deliberate and sensual living— nurturing sound minds, serene bodies, rooted spirits, and flourishing souls.


our ethos ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

bringing pleasure
back to Black

sensual black woman sitting with legs crossed







alchemizing Black women’s healing through sensual and sexual expression

black woman sitting comfortability in her lingerie

the altar

serving as a resting place where we facilitate healing and well-being, empowering Black women to reconnect with their authentic sensual and sexual selves, free from the constraints of societal conditioning, outdated personas, and identities. by joining our community, you are taking a significant step towards rekindling your connection with your erotic being.

two black women smiling laying in the sun

conversations with ….

a free conversational series discussing relevant topics such as women’s health, reproductive rights, Black mental health and other important issues as defined by our community. each conversation is approximately 90 minutes held in collaboration with selected guest or guests.

beautiful black woman embracing her sensuality

the embodiment summit

dedicated to Black sexual liberation— empowering Black women and Black bodies to fully own and operate within their sensual and sexual bodies. we invite you to explore somatic practices, sensual dance, body movement, and engage in meaningful conversations that will inspire you to attract the sexual experiences you desire.

the coven

black woman holding flowers

a community care network providing access to essential services that address the immediate needs of Black folk. through community care, we can foster a supportive environment that encourages healing, personal growth, education, cultural enrichment, and a sense of belonging.



love. loss. growth. and the art of becoming.



as a TWENTY NIINE THIRTY partner, you will support one-of-a-kind, and meaningful impact initiatives and play a vital role in building community, educating women and femmes while 1) creating equitable housing and mental health resources and 2) generating economic independence for Black women and Black people.


