healing through the five senses — brianne patrice


i’ve gotten into the practice or the habit rather of paying attention to my body and the way that she moves. and last night her and i bonded in a way that we had never before been able to. we climaxed. imploded. with no help from male genitalia, no kinky toys, not even the stroke of a finger. it was just her and i, dancing freely in our connected space of oneness.

most nights after a bath or shower, i walk past the mirror gazing at my body in full. showing gratitude towards her, honoring and respecting for the powerful being that she is. for her imperfections and her beauty. for her curves, her hip dips and cellulite; there is a love inside of her that only she and i know. i am attracted to her. turned on by her. elevated and uplifted by her aura and strength. 

here in this very moment we are harmoniously connected to the cosmos. the same deep intelligence that streams through the river flows through our blood stream. the same breath that nourishes our cells animates the life of our community. and although it may seem like we are separate from her, we are not. we are both upon the heavens of this earth; abundantly supported by her vast resources and ancient wisdom. and in the grand scheme of things our bodies and the universe are made up of the same molecules, sharing DNA with one another— abiding by the same rules and principles. we are inextricably connected. and for those reasons we can never be without.

our senses are almost always with us and the whole of us possess such power that allows us to tap into them almost instantaneously, connecting us to their healing powers and calming waters. there is a likeness about the way we are allowed to heal ourselves from the inside out. about offering ourselves groundedness through gentle movements and subtle breaths. our senses offer us an education into the veins of our skin and it is within our own blood do find and employ the erotic power that we’ve all been taught to fear.

we are a sensual people. a spiritual one. and as we heal through our senses do we begin to map our journey to freedom.


fundamental to our health and well-being, skin to skin is by far one of my favorite activities to participate in. whether partnered or in solo-practice, taking the time to gently drape my fingers across my arms and legs, noticing how my body responds to itself will always be an enlightening experience for me. wether I am bear-hugging myself as i lay in fetal position or paying to attention to the way my skin feels and transfroms as i rub oil into it’s cells; touch will forever be healing for me. touch is known to release healing chemicals that improve our immune function and circulation and that helps to promote restful sleep. and i guess that’s why most of us prefer to be touched because it is a reminder of our intimate tender and humanness.


sound, however, has a more physiological effect. things like music or sound baths, even the sound of our own voice or the sound of a loved one’s voice creates a cascade of pleasure-producing chemicals that move throughout one’s body supporting health and wellness. in contrast, paying attention to the sounds that make up our environment offer up a chance for us to understand how feel about our environment. are you feeling safe? is it too loud or alarming? does it make you happy or sad? how is your body responding to the outside noise? is it too jarring or jolting? taking account of the sounds that are around us, that make up our everyday can help us to regulate our emotions. if we hear something that we do not like, do we have the capability to change it? and if not, are we capable of shifting our relationship to it? can we find ways to make our listening experience more pleasurable?  


visual impressions have an acute effect on our physical and metaphysical bodies. when you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you see and how does it make you feel? does it excite you? is it pleasing to you? are you happy with the things you have surrounded yourself with? or do you find yourself annoyed, turned off and uninspired? how we set up our environment (whether through floral arrangements, colors and patterns, or art and various fabrics) can help to elevate our mood. can make us feel safe, warm and inspired. they offer us a sense of luxury and belonging. the same we monitor what we watch on TV or interact with via social, we should also monitor what we allow to decorate our homes, offices, cars and etc. and if none of it feels good for you, tear it down and start over. your sanctuary is meant to serve you. 


we are all aware of the role food plays on our mental and physical physiology. food affects everything from how we feel energetically to our nutrition and satisfaction levels. but outside of that, food also plays a massive role in how we love ourselves. it can determine how we appreciate and show affection towards our bodies and can influence our internal and external conversations. i challenge you to notice the difference in your emotions, your internal conversations and outward delivery across the various foods you eat. does a certain food cause you to respond more negatively towards yourself? or does it make you feel more tired than another? are you aware of what helps to our your stamina or energy levels? is your skin enjoying the foods you are eating? how are your bones and other bodily organs responding? are they telling you to feed me something different? do they want you to remove something from your diet? is there something you should be eating more or less of? more often than not, our bodies have already told us what they do and do not need; living in such a high-paced society, however, most of us are not leveled enough to hear or pay attention to what those needs are.  


smell connects us to memory, emotion and instinct. it is the most primitive of the five senses and there is nothing more powerful when it comes to conjuring up moments from the past. scents can evoke such rich memories offering an emotional connection between one’s sense of smell and the brain. what scents make you remember? what scents make you forget? what scents offer a more playful side to you? make you feel sexy and/or alive?

healing through our senses is a journey; and not always an easy one as i’m sure we are likely to be triggered or feel a bit of discomfort along the way. but much like everything else about our human experience, this journey is a rewarding one. and an intimate one.





brianne patrice is a sensuality doula and pleasure activist serving as a bridge way for black women to be in intimate community with themselves, their bodies and their environment. by creating sacred containers she encourages the exploration of their sensuality and sexuality at the intersection of healing and wellness. her mission is for black women to know and understand their individual and collective power so that they, through self-care practices and tangible ritual, may connect to their own orgasmic energy— wielding it's power. as seen in xoNecole, Black Girl In Om, Keys Soulcare, Voyage Dallas, Voyage LA, NBC 4 NY, Life, I Swear and more.


editor’s note: you are your own healing tool — kristen jeré


survival mode, sensuality, and regaining control — brianne patrice